Transfer Pricing & Valuation Services
Multinational operations involve a continuous flow of goods, assets, technology and services among the different members of Multinational Enterprises, whether big or small. Since these transactions are not between independent companies they are subject to additional scrutiny and formalities so they are carried out within free market principles.
LATAXNET provides their clients complete transfer pricing advisory services. LATAXNET’s main goal is to advice clients in complying with all local and international transfer pricing rules while considering the tax rates in the various jurisdictions in order to maximize yield.
Since most of the majority of global transactions are carried out between related parties, LATAXNET’s experts are focused on the development of tax structuring strategies aiming at optimizing the tax burden of the overall enterprise and complying with the transfer pricing limitation rules, assessing each company independently and the related group of companies as a whole attending to the arm’s length principle (ALP) and/or the inter phase of the same with particular local formulary approaches.
Our transfer pricing services cover all the stages of the transfer pricing regime, i.e. from the tax structuring on organizational arrangements and related-entities transactions, the preparation of transfer pricing adjustments and property valuation, up to the defense on transfer pricing audit proceedings.
Our wide range of services in Transfer Pricing include:
- Local and Cross-border Business Restructuring
- Transfer Pricing Reporting and Adjustment
- Transfer Pricing Planning & Optimization
- Intangible Property Valuation
- Market Investigation and Analysis
- Advance Transfer Pricing Agreements
- Transfer Pricing Standards Advice
- BEPS Master file and Local File Documentation
- Country-by-Country (“CbC”) Reporting
- Transfer Pricing Audit Defense
- Competent Authority Assistance
- Litigation, MAP and Arbitration Support